Monday, August 30, 2010

To Know You Always Have This No Matter What.

1. Geger Beach at Sunset.
2. Jimbaran Beach at Sunset
3. Geger Beach seaweed farms at low tide.

I am so lucky to call Bali home. I love the chaos, the perfect balance and harmony, the blend of nationalities and the reinvention of everyone and everything. You can be a hippy here. You can practice tree yoga and shake your branches, you can pray for full moon. You can believe in food, you can believe in the surf. You can learn and teach, discover and dance. Take any name you want. You can be old fashioned here. You can be oblivious of technology, or you can own the newest gadget. Notice a pattern? You can be you. And I need to remember that I know how to be me, regardless of where I am.

Highlights of the day:
A project meeting, a lovely nap (best time to sleep is when everyone else is out at class!), an almost drenching thunderstorm, a giggly dinner with Hello Kitty mooncakes, using a Canon E50 and the happy news that I can go home for Christmas after all :)
Good night.


  1. Yes, you're so lucky to have Bali right at the back of your house! I wanna go Bali someday!
